Extraordinary Board of Directors Meeting

Meeting date: 19/06/2024

Please click on 'agendas and papers' for more information

Extraordinary Board of Directors Agenda and Papers 19 June 2024

The Trust is currently holding the Board of Directors Meetings virtually via Microsoft Teams. Members of the public are invited to attend the Extraordinary Public Board Meeting and if you would like to attend then please email dawn.morris@swft.nhs.uk to register. You will then be sent a diary invitation to access the meeting. We will be recording the Public meeting and publishing this on the Trust website for full transparency.

If you would like to raise a question at the Board meeting we ask that you submit these prior to the meeting to dawn.morris@swft.nhs.uk by 9am on Monday 17 June 2024.

SWFT Extraordinary Public Board of Directors Meeting Recording 19 June 2024

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