Our services are extremely busy, and our teams are working exceptionally hard to care for a high number of people seeking treatment.  The level of demand we are currently experiencing means we have declared a ‘critical incident’. This means the Trust is taking additional steps to maintain safe services for our patients and help us cope with the growing pressures.

Over the last week attendances at Warwick Hospital’s Emergency Department have been consistently some of the highest we have ever experienced, and this is significantly impacting on the time patients are waiting to be seen. Clinical teams are trying to see people as quickly as possible but given the increased demand we are unable to maintain the waiting times we usually strive for, therefore please be aware that you may be waiting for a significant length of time and where possible please come prepared for this.

The increase in attendances has also had a significant impact on the space available in the Emergency Department, therefore please minimise the number of people coming with you to ensure there is space for those seeking care.

We are asking the public to help us manage this period of unprecedented high demand to consider which service is right for them before seeking treatment and anyone feeling unwell is advised to not visit relatives in hospital or anyone who is vulnerable in the community. If you are eligible, you can also get your free flu and Covid-19 vaccines from a local drop-in clinic. If you start to display any symptoms of winter viruses, you can visit NHS 111 online or speak to your local pharmacist for advice.

Our Emergency Department is for life-threatening emergencies. Such as loss of consciousness, a persistent state of confusion or severe chest pains, reoccurring fits, breathing difficulties and severe bleeding that can’t be stopped. If you experience any of these, please do not delay coming to the Emergency Department.

The Minor Injuries Unit at Stratford can treat sprains and strains, broken bones, wound infections, minor burns and scalds, minor head injuries, minor eye injuries, animal bites and injuries to the back, shoulder and chest. This unit is open Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays every week, between 9am-5pm. Waiting times at Minor Injuries are often significantly reduced compared to the Emergency Department.

Our teams continue to work exceptionally hard; and we would like to reassure our patients and the public that despite the current challenges we will continue to provide high standards of care to those that need us.