Jean Arrowsmith

I have been a Governor for the past 12 years and really appreciate the opportunity to support my community and all our wonderful hospital staff and volunteers. I trained as nurse at Warwick Hospital which has made a massive difference in my outlook and my depth of knowledge. During my last 12 years I have taken an active part in volunteering for Committees thereby ensuring I utilise my specialist knowledge and care for my community. Committees included Chair of the Patient Care Committee; member of the Safer Discharge Committee and member of the Nominations and Remuneration Committee which is responsible for interviewing Non-Executive Directors and the Chairman and including yearly reviews. I believe it is important to stress that the majority of Governors represent a range of views and experience with the majority not being health trained but who care about our local health services.

In 2023 I designed a patient facing Accident and Emergency audit where Governors spoke with patients regarding whether they were happy with the service and if they could suggest any improvements. I have designed a similar Outpatient audit for use in 2025. I am pleased to say South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust (SWFT) was awarded Health Service Journal Trust of the Year award in 2024. My support for SWFT is 'heart felt' and I am so pleased and proud that our wonderful staff and volunteers have been nationally recognised for their dedication to the care of Warwickshire patients and their families (and I am part of it).


Manu Chacko 

As a dedicated NHS employee with years of experience, I am proud to stand as a Public Governor of the South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust (SWFT). Having worked directly in patient facilities, I have a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities facing our NHS. I am committed to delivering high-quality, patient-centred care and reducing waiting lists to ensure our community receives the services they need, when they need them. As a Governor, I will uphold the highest ethical standards, adhering to the Nolan Principles of Public Life. I will be a strong advocate for our patients, staff, and the wider community. I will support expansion projects that enhance patient experience and improve the overall quality of care. I believe that by working together, we can build a brighter future for our SWFT and create a healthcare system that is efficient, compassionate, and patient-centred. I am committed to being a responsive and accessible Governor.


Michael Coker


I had the privilege of being elected as a Foundation Trust Governor in 2009 and then served on the governing body for some seven years but did not stand for re-election in 2016 as a result of pressure of other duties. During that time, I was Chairman of the Nominations and Remuneration Committee and helped to appoint the Chairman and Directors of the Trust throughout that period.

I did not stand for re-election in 2016 due to pressure of other duties but was fortunate to be returned in the following election since when I have served on the Nomination and Remuneration Committee and also on the End of Life Committee where I hope my previous experience has been useful.

I practiced locally as a Solicitor throughout my career and also served as HM Coroner for Warwickshire for some 25 years in total, as well as serving as a District and Town Councillor in Kenilworth for many years. I believe this varied experience and knowledge of the local area should be of value to the Trust.

I now have the time available that the post of Governor requires and have the privilege of giving that time to the Trust as it provides one, if not the most, important service in our area. We are all fortunate to have a good hospital service in our district and I wish to give every support where I am able to maintain and where possible improve that care.


David Fitzpatrick 

Warwick Hospital is where both of my children were born. It is the hospital that saved me when my appendix burst, and I suffered a major allergic reaction! I was admitted from an ambulance during the pandemic and witnessed the challenges and solutions first hand.

I have led global businesses with thousands of people and revenues of hundreds of millions of pounds, most recently with a large technology company as Senior Vice President. The businesses I have led provided solutions and services to the NHS, local government, central government, and numerous companies which are household names in the private sector. I have experience in strategy, sales, marketing, operations, finance, human resources, consulting, automation process and productivity improvement, legal and commercial aspects of contracting, sustainability, technology, and more. I have significantly improved the quality and financial situation of every business I have led, and most recently I increased customer and employee satisfaction from a score of 6 to greater than 9 out of ten.

I have the time to represent my area well, as I am recently retired. I have a lot of relevant experience enabling me to understand and strongly execute the role. I have been a patient of the hospital a number of times, and a concerned father of my children and husband of my wife when they were in the hospital. I believe I can encourage, support and improve the Trust through my role as Governor.

Michael Cox 

I welcome the opportunity to represent the residents of Warwick and Leamington as an elected Governor of South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust (SWFT).

I have considerable experience of healthcare both as a patient, and a retired employee of the Trust. I am passionate about having excellent local healthcare service to the benefit of us all.

My wife and I have lived and worked in South Warwickshire for over 25 years, being one of the first residents on Warwick Gates.

It is important as a Governor that we have assurance that the Trust is delivering the best possible standards of service, meeting the changing needs of our society. I am a Trustee of a Warwickshire based charity ‘People-in-Action’ which is an excellent experience.


Nnedi Dede-Konkwo

My background in public health and special interest in community health and community development, are my main driving forces for becoming a Governor. I strongly believe in community participation as a key tool for achieving and sustaining the health of the public.

Being a Public Governor for Warwick and Leamington Towns will be an opportunity for me to interact with the people at the community level, to understand their needs, and be a link to directly feedback on their experiences in accessing healthcare at the Trust. Furthermore, as a person from a minority group, I recognise the challenges of not having a strong voice in the wider community, especially, when it has to do with healthcare delivery and access, as well as in the decision making.

I hope to be  a voice for the minority groups in my constituency with this position. Finally, the Trust needs the support of the public to deliver improved and quality services to the people it serves. I therefore, consider this as an excellent opportunity to volunteer my time meaningfully, in supporting and contributing to the positive changes I hope to see.


Lesley McGuigan

My 19 years as Head Teacher of a large comprehensive school, provided me with experience of diverse communities, young people often in crisis and families in need of support. The role included personnel management, estate maintenance and overseeing the welfare and development of 1200 students. The skills I developed in this work will transfer to supporting the work of the Trust.

When I retired, I took up a voluntary post as advocate for patients at St. Michaels Hospital. This gave me an insight into how the vulnerable were cared for. I witnessed the pressures and stress placed on the staff.

I have been a Governor for 19 years in schools and understand how the governance of public bodies work. I have experience of committee workings. I am able to be both supportive and questioning. I am accustomed to reading legal documents and policy papers.

For the past ten years my husband has been seriously ill and I have had frequent contact with all the hospitals in the Trust. He received services ranging from physiotherapy at the Leamington Spa Hospital to end of life care in Warwick Hospital. The development of excellence at all levels is central to what every patient, nurse or doctor desires and as a Governor, I would hope to contribute to achieving it.

I believe I have the skills necessary to absorb reports, contribute to debates and present the views of all stakeholders. My aim would be to be an involved and accessible member of the Trust.


Carolyn Pickering


My family and I have lived in Leamington since 1977. Our children grew up here and went to local schools. Therefore, I have close connections with the community, town and area. I am a retired Solicitor, and at one time had a practice in Leamington, from which I offered services to clients mainly in family and criminal law proceedings, along with some civil litigation and conveyancing.

I had connections with Bath Place and the Citizens Advice Bureau for some years, where I gave free advice on any issue that was presented to me. I have been a volunteer at a Homeless Shelter, and then a trustee of a Housing Project in Coventry.

My family and I have benefitted from the provision of medical advice and treatment from the local NHS services. This has been much appreciated, and I would like to share this experience in order to be of service to the Trust and to members of the public, to assist the Trust in its provision of local services and its communication with members of the Trust.



Paul Boness 

I have been receiving treatment for two eye conditions in Stratford and Warwick Hospitals for several years. I have been very pleased with the treatment I have received and would now like to make a constructive contribution to the NHS by becoming involved in the affairs of the Trust. I have now retired from my career in interpreting and translating and can therefore dedicate the necessary time to the role of Governor.

I have several principal concerns about the health service. I am concerned by the lack of communication between Trusts and would like to exercise any influence I might gain to resolve this issue. My second concern is the ever-increasing pressure being placed upon the NHS by the demands of an ageing and steadily increasing population. I have visited a number of care homes in the course of my work and I am aware of the cost and practical difficulties associated with social care, such as bed blocking and finance. I feel that more emphasis should be placed on prevention, rather than cure, primarily by educating the public about the dangers of smoking, excessive alcohol consumption and obesity. Finally, I believe that the public should be better educated about healthcare in general and specifically encouraged to take more responsibility for themselves, i.e. not expect a hospital to be their first resort for any minor problems they may have.


Dr Tim Crook

I have lived in South Warwickshire and raised my family here for the last 35 years. I have been involved in delivering healthcare to our population throughout this time in various roles. Firstly as South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust (SWFT) staff in various junior doctor roles and for more than 18 years in eye services and more recently in the Emergency Department as General Practitioner (GP) in Accident and Emergency. I have been a GP in a large Stratford GP practice for more than 30 years and now I continue to work part time as a GP having retired from the practice two years ago. I also have experience working in the interface between primary and secondary care in community hospital settings, Nicol Unit, and the Discharge to Assess project. I have also been involved with Warwick Medical school teaching undergraduates in the community.

I feel I have a great deal of experience in the healthcare system in South Warwickshire and would like to be involved with the Trust in developing and improving health care locally. I can offer a perspective across hospital and community care which is so important when developing services for patients. I feel also I can offer a patients’ perspective having been the recipient of care in our hospital system.


Mike Flaxman


As a recently elected (2022) Public Governor and a member of the HealthWatch Warwickshire board since 2013, I will continue with my efforts to maintain and improve the NHS in Warwickshire. I will support the development of South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust’s (SWFT) engagement strategy to ensure that the patient voice is listened to. I represent the Governors’ and Members’ interests on the Stratford Hospital Community Diagnostic Centre Project Board and in the procurement of new External Auditors. I am also a member of the General Purposes Committee of Governors which defines the agenda for Governor meetings and training.

I am a Chartered Public Finance Accountant and, now retired, have worked in various senior roles for and with the NHS since 1975. I have nearly 50 years continuing commitment to the service. My passion for the NHS continues and I am committed to trying to improve the NHS wherever and whenever possible. I have experience of all facets of the NHS, in Acute, Primary and Community Care and Mental Health Services.

I represent the Bidford Health Centre Patient Participation Group at meetings of the South Warwickshire Patient Engagement Forum. I am a member of the Patient and Public Advisory Group for the West Midlands Secure Data Environment project, helping to ensure proper use is made of patient data in research. I and my family have been and are patients of SWFT and we have lived in Binton since 1993, where I chair the Parish Council.

David Gee


I have been a Governor of the Trust ever since its beginning, so have a wealth of experience which will be invaluable when facing the challenges ahead. During this time, I have fully supported South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust (SWFT) which is now one of the top-performing Trusts in the whole of the UK, fully deserving the Care Quality Commission's outstanding rating.

However, during this period I have not hesitated to question, ensuring that patients’ interests are always taken into consideration. I am an active member on several Groups and Committees, actively monitoring the Trust’s performance.

I am also taking part in regular ward inspections, monitoring cleanliness, décor and even the patients’ food for taste, quality and temperature when served.

I will continue to fully support the Shipston development.

With increasing demands and never enough money, the future holds increasing challenges for the whole of the NHS. I am a strong supporter of the NHS which my family have used extensively over the years. As a re-elected Governor I will use my long experience, I will continue to fully support the NHS and best care for all local residents.


Kieran Toner (photograph to follow)


I would like to give something back to society. So I hope to make things better as Governor for South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust.

At 18 I was involved in a life changing motorcycle accident, my recovery from this has demonstrated the importance of the NHS but also how the interaction with the patient affects the outcome. I come from an educational background. I have taught many different pupils in many different situations. A highlight was working with the acquired brain injury people at Warwickshire College where I built a bespoke course for them.

I understand the difficulties that the NHS has in constantly being asked to do more with less. At the same time, I also understand that we need more than just more money to rebuild the NHS. I think prevention is better than cure. I do not fool myself that this is an easy role but the method I would choose is already being put into practice by the NHS, it is titled Social Prescribing. It focuses on developing more appealing opportunities to live a better life. What is the reason we wait until our health breaks before offering help? Why should our society encourage a life style that obesity rather than fitness? Where is the reason that so many people exist in the depression of social isolation? Is there a more effective way to help rather than medicine & operations? Let’s try to make things better.


Mike Wells, Lead Governor effective from 1 December 2023


I am a retired IT Project Manager and live in Shipston on Stour. I have been a Public Governor for East Stratford and Borders since April 2018, being re-elected twice. I am currently the Trust’s Lead Governor.

As a recipient of the Trust’s services, I have always had good interactions with the staff and the outcomes they have achieved are always positive. However, this is not the case for everyone and the issue most raised relates to people in more complex situations that require the Trust and their partners to work together. For these people the whole patient journey is often, for a variety of reasons, disjointed and I hope to continue to help the Trust as it takes the lead on building integrated services across all the agencies in South Warwickshire.

In my role as a Governor, I attend public meetings to gain a better understanding of the requirements of the local population and use this in Trust meetings. I also relay the experiences of patients back in to the Trust, both negative and positive. I am a member of the Ellen Badger Hospital redevelopment project board using my local knowledge to help the teamworking on this exciting redevelopment. I am the current Chair of the Trust’s General Purposes Committee; I regularly attend the Trust’s monthly Board of Directors meeting and attend the regular Governor meetings and training sessions.


Dr Cally Harrison


I have a clinical/scientific, academic and managerial background and lengthy experience in the NHS and local government. After working for different Trusts around the country (primary/community services and secondary care), I felt that one of the best ways to improve and maintain high standards of care locally was to become a Foundation Trust Governor.

I believe that and it has been shown by many national and international think tanks, quality should be the organising principle of any credible healthcare organisation, hence I would like to use my knowledge and expertise to ensure that the local NHS continues to successfully serve its patients.

Being of a mixed ethnic background, I also have a strong interest in ensuring that all patients, carers, staff members and partners do feel valued and are treated with integrity, honesty, fairness, empathy, compassion and respect.

I have been a Public Governor since July 2012 and I believe this role has given me the opportunity to participate and constructively contribute to a number of Committees and Forums around a variety of issues from performance, governance and finance to IT innovation projects, partnership working/pathway redesigns within the local health economy and patient involvement initiatives. My special interests include cancer services, palliative care and mental health.

The NHS needs to reform to deliver on multiple challenges and for this to happen staff at all levels need to embrace multidisciplinary teamworking, subsidiarity and consistency.


Vacancy - Northern Warwickshire, Coventry and Rugby 


Ian Furlong - Non-Clinical Support (photograph to follow)

I have been employed as a Chaplain at South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust (SWFT) for over 20 years on a part time basis, and loved every minute of it. I retired from my other job as a local church leader in 2022 after over 30 years serving in Warwick. I am a trustee on a local charity and just want to give back to the town after it has given so much to me.


Sue Warner - Nursing and Midwifery, Community


I have been a Staff Governor for a number of years and wish to continue ensuring that the voices of Community Nurses, Midwives, Health Visitors and School Nurses are listened to and heard. My role as Staff Governor has enabled me to regularly speak to Trust Executives and senior managers about concerns and issues which you have raised and have promptly received answers as to how these are being addressed. Although, currently a Health Visitor, I have also worked as a District Nurse and Community Services Manager, experiencing the challenges and rewards of working with different communities. As a member of the Royal College of Nursing (RCN) have been active at many different levels, including as a previous Chair of Council and an RCN Steward within the Trust.

Having worked in several NHS Trusts over the years, I have found South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust (SWFT), the most supportive of staff, offering frequent opportunities for professional development and growth, as well as access to support for our physical and emotional health. I want to make sure that this continues for you. We are all witnessing the daily pressures of heavy workloads and managing within restrictive budgets. I want to continue to be able to raise awareness on your behalf of your concerns about the effect that this is having on your well-being. As Governor I take my responsibility seriously, by listening and reporting back this information to the Trust, as well as working as part of whole Council of Governors in holding our Non-Executive Directors to account.



Kathy Wagstaff - Nursing and Midwifery, Acute

Kathy_Wagstaff_-_Governor.jfifI have had a long and varied career within the NHS and have been employed at South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust (SWFT) since 2009 firstly as a Matron and now as Clinical Lead Nurse for Neurorehabilitation based at Central England Rehabilitation Unit (CERU). I have seen many changes throughout the years, yet I have remained passionate about providing safe, effective, compassionate nursing care to all of our patients, ensuring they are at the centre of all we do and services we develop. Although this is not my local hospital, I do have family that live in the area that use our services. I am proud of SWFT and the services and care that we offer. It is essential that our patients have a voice into the services they require, want and use and I feel that I bring my experience and skills to this role.



Cicy Mariyathas - Nursing and Midwifery, Acute(photograph to follow)

I have been working in NHS since 2004. I have worked for the organisation previously and decided to come back into a leadership role as I loved being a part of the organisation and felt that I could use my experience within the wider organisation and the community I represent. This has encouraged me to put my name forward for the Staff Governor role. In order to achieve clinical excellence, quality, and cost-effective care delivery that is also economically feasible, I hope to create and maintain a proactive, can-do culture among the staff. In the end, this enhances employee motivation, engagement, staff well-being, patient safety, and care quality. I have a strong work ethic and I am open, honest, personable, and supportive. I am confident that the organisation and the patients would benefit from my leadership skills and attributes. It is crucial that the Board hears your opinions, and I think I have the passion, dedication, and communication abilities needed to accomplish this. I am passionate, driven, energetic, and dedicated to making sure that the Governor's tasks, obligations, and accountability completely reflect the perspectives and viewpoints of my staff constituency.

With a dedication to positively support and promote health and wellness initiatives for the ultimate benefit of all staff, as Governor I aim to carry on the tireless work I have already done in advancing the views and opinions of my constituents and advancing improvements in patient experience.


Dr Jeremy Shearman - Medical and Dental

I am an experienced physician having been a Consultant in Warwick for nearly 25 years. I have good experience of the Foundation Trust model having fulfilled the role of Governor previously. Since then, I have gained additional broad experiences in healthcare including being Chair of the Trust's Medical Staff Committee and serving two complete terms as Trustee of Shakespeare Hospice. I believe I would make a very effective Governor representing medical and dental staff.


Holly Poel - Clinical Support (photograph to follow)

As an Allied Health Professional at heart, I want to ensure that the thoughts and needs of the clinical support staff are represented when exploring accountability and strategic direction of the Trust. Whilst I have unbounded interest in the strategy and service development, I believe it is fundamental that Governors are representative of the communities they serve, in both being a diverse group of individuals, but also actively engaging with those that they represent, ensuring the views of the entire community are heard.

I do not proclaim to have the answers, but I have the skillset and passion to both find them from my community and explore them with senior leaders and the team of Governors. I have worked as a Physiotherapist at the Trust for the last either years and have the communication, empathy, and understanding that comes from a clinical role. I am committed to serving my community, having volunteered for many years including roles within Samaritans, Brownies, and other Children groups, becoming a Governor will expand and utilise this experience by allowing me to serve my community of staff.

I will do more than just represent clinical support staff! I will actively engage them and the wider communities to share your ideas and ensure that Governors are asking the right questions, that will deliver services that reflects the needs of our community.


Vacancy - Nursing and Midwifery, Community


Cllr John Holland – Warwickshire County Council

Cllr John Holland.pngIt is a privilege to be nominated by Warwickshire County Council as a Governor of South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust (SWFT).

My early career was in the electronics industry followed by teaching in Universities and Colleges. I have served as a Councillor on Warwick District Council and Warwick Town Council including being Mayor of Warwick. I was elected as County Councillor in 2013.

We are very proud of the work of SWFT across all sites. Our staff stayed on duty during Covid and now deserve our support. Our service is developing and expanding in a sustainable direction. Partnerships with other stakeholders are strengthening, including other parts of the NHS, Council care services and others.


Mathew Gane – University of Warwick

A person in a suitDescription automatically generatedI work at the University of Warwick as a Research Governance and Quality Assurance Manager in Research and Impact Services. The role involves supporting researchers, both academics and students to carry out legally compliant and ethical research. A key part of this involves acting as Secretary to the University’s Ethics Committees and Sponsorship and Oversight Committee, which reviews applications for university led research within the NHS ranging from clinical trials through to qualitative research.

I joined the Council of Governors as the Appointed Governor for the University of Warwick in April 2024. My background is in governance, audit, compliance, quality assurance and risk management and prior to working at the University of Warwick I have worked in the regulatory, private, public and not-for-profit sectors, including having previously worked for the Gambling Commission and Warwickshire Police.


Cllr Liz Coles - Stratford District Council

Information to follow


Cllr Jim Sinnott - Warwick District Council

Cllr Jim Sinnott.pngI am a Warwick District Councillor with the portfolio brief including healthier communities, I am born and bred in the Warwick District.

Having served over 30 years in the fire service, I have a prevention focus – I have little else to bring to the table but a relentless focus on prevention. I am also blunt and pragmatic, another fire service trait. I like to be open and listen, always learning and happy navigating complexity. I am currently teaching in higher education and love a challenge.