Throughout the Trust, which includes community sites as well as hospitals in Warwick, Leamington, Stratford, volunteers play a vital part in enhancing our patients experience. From befriending, helping with activities, assisting with admin work, escorting patients to hospital appointments and more. Volunteers not only dedicate their time and energy but also share their valuable skills and knowledge with us and the people they volunteer with.

Here at South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust we have over 300 volunteers who are making a real difference on a daily basis. They are actively involved in and around our hospital sites and within our community. They have become a valued part of our organisation and we really appreciate the impact our volunteers make to enhance the quality of patient care.

Watch a short video highlighting why our volunteers choose to volunteer with us.

See our frequently asked questions (FAQs) below or contact our team for more information, email:

Links to explore volunteering opportunities across the Trust and to complete an application form:

Volunteer Services Annual Report:

Please see below for some frequently asked questions about volunteering:

What should a SWFT Volunteer be like?

We look for reliable people who are passionate about helping others and understand that small acts of kindness really can make a big difference in people’s lives. The greatest gift of all is giving someone your time. Volunteers need to have an understanding of confidentiality and boundaries, be willing to learn from others and work alongside staff to support patients and members of the public. We welcome volunteer applications from people from all backgrounds and communities.

Will I be able to volunteer immediately?

We need to perform a number of checks before you can start your volunteering role which can take approximately one month to complete. The checks include:

  • Disclosure and Barring Services (DBS) clearance
  • Occupational Health Checks
  • 2 References
  • Mandatory Training

Will I be interviewed?

We like to meet you for an informal discussion which can take place over the telephone if preferred. The discussion gives us a chance to talk through available volunteering roles and is also a time for you to ask any questions you may have.

Will I get training for my volunteer role?

All volunteers must complete 14 mandatory online training modules, as well as a local induction and orientation in the specific roles. Some volunteer roles require extra training before you begin.

Are there any age limitations for volunteers?

Warwick Hospital volunteers must be aged 18 or over due to the acute nature of the hospital. Leamington Hospital accept volunteers who are aged 17 or over, whereas Stratford Hospital accepts volunteers who are aged 16 or over.

Volunteers aged 16 and 17 years will need parental/ carer/ guardian consent and will be recruited into a limited number of specific roles, additional support will be provided. Some departments have additional restrictions or requirements.

What kind of commitment is required?

We have many roles which give flexibility to both the Trust and our volunteers. You can sign up for as many or as few shifts as you like using the MY IMPACT app. Shifts can be booked to suit you whether you want, daily, weekly or ad hoc sessions.

I would like to shadow staff whilst volunteering. Is this possible?

This is not possible. There is often some confusion between work experience and Volunteering. Volunteering involves a regular commitment of time and is not a structured learning programme. Volunteers will never be asked to provide any clinical care to patients. You are however, likely to gain great insight into how a Hospital works. Interested in work experience?

Will I get paid expenses?

Volunteers are not able to claim expenses although will receive free parking whilst volunteering on a site with parking facilities.

Can I volunteer at more than one place?

You can have multiple roles, at any of our sites. (Warwick, Leamington and Stratford) but you will need separate site inductions to ensure you are familiar with each environment. There are also some opportunities at Trust locations within the community.

You will only be required to complete one application form but please let your Volunteer Co-ordinator know if you would like to volunteer at other sites.

How can I find out more about South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust?

Become a member of the Trust and receive regular updates, news and information. You can also help us improve your local health service by answering questionnaires or even become a Governor. You can help to ensure our hospitals and community services are meeting your needs and the needs of others. Receive news, free events and NHS discounts.

Our Warwickshire 4x4 volunteers were shortlisted for the Helpforce Champions Awards 2023 in the Volunteering Collaboration of the Year category. The 4x4 volunteers were nominated by the Warwick volunteering team for their commitment to our patients and the wider community. More information about the Helpforce Champions Award.