South Warwickshire University Foundation Trust (SWFT) have signed up to Johns Campaign.

“At SWFT we aim to work in partnership with Carers, acknowledging the value of the support that you provide. As such, you can stay outside of regular visiting hours and will be made welcome . Please speak to the Nurse in charge about Carers support at SWFT.”

Johns Campaign Leaflet

Caring for a person with Dementia

We want to support and work with carers of a person with a dementia. Ask the Staff about the Carers Passport and flexible visiting. If you are sitting with the person you Care for, you can be offered a drink and a snack. For information on Tea for Two and for the Let's Do Lunch initiative.

Our ‘forget me not scheme’ includes tools and approaches to promote best practice with staff and families working together towards a person - centred approach.

Completion of the Alzheimer’s Society Document ‘This Is Me’ helps our staff provide person centred care by giving us valuable information about the person. You can ask for one of these on the Ward or download your own from the Alzheimer’s Society website.

A hospital stay can cause a worsening in confusion due to a change in environment and routine therefore the staff will be wanting to discuss plans for a safe discharge at the earliest opportunity. As the person's carer, if you anticipate any issues with discharge it would be helpful if you raised these as soon as possible with the staff looking after them.

End of life care

If there is a possibility that the person you care for may be dying then we will communicate this to you as clearly as possible. You will be welcome to stay at all times and be provided with light refreshments. Unfortunately we are unable to provide beds for visitors but will endeavour to make you as comfortable as possible. You will be given a Carers Passport to facilitate you coming and going as needed. Ask at the Security Kiosk for concessional Car Parking Tickets.

As someone important to the person, we will ensure that you are involved with the plan of care. You will be offered, or can ask at any time about Bereavement support and advice. This can be accessed through our Hospital Bereavement Team on Ext 8131.

Caring for a person with Learning Disabilities

We understand that people with Learning Disabilities are often best cared for by people familiar to them and are happy to facilitate their regular carers attending to them in hospital. It is helpful for our staff if they have their Traffic Light document or similar with them. Please ask the nurse in charge to contact our Learning Disabilities Acute Liaison Nurse for support and about a Carers Passport. Departments can access a special Communication Tool kit to support verbal and non-verbal communication.