In line with guidelines issued by the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) we became a smoke free trust from 1 January 2016. This means that you cannot smoke on any SWFT site.

In line with the long term plan, the Trust has a dedicated Tobacco Dependency Service. The team visit wards daily to support patients, who are an inpatient and smoke, to stop smoking. They also refer patients, when they are discharged, on to secondary services to enable them to continue their therapeutic plan.

If a patient has been receiving support from the Tobacco Dependency Service while they are being treated / cared for in hospital for a condition and they are then discharged for that condition, the Tobacco Dependency Team will refer the patient onto a secondary service within the community.

The Tobacco Dependency Team works very closely with the secondary services, communicating all patients plans and requirements. The patient will then receive three months support following on from their management plan, which was originally put in place in hospital. This holistic plan includes support and guidance over the phone three times a week, with medications been sent through the post. Behavioural therapy is tailored and delivered through the phone calls, specifically looking at triggers and habits and support and guidance with regards to nicotine addiction.

Stopping smoking is one of the best things you will ever do for your health. When you stop, you give your lungs the chance to repair, and you will be able to breathe easier. There are lots of other benefits too – and they start almost immediately. It's never too late to quit. Let's do this!

Get free, confidential expert help from your local stop smoking service and boost your chances of quitting by three times.

Our free local services include support from qualified Stop Smoking Practitioners and access to stop smoking aids - NHS - Stop smoking aids.

How to refer to Warwickshire service

How to refer to Coventry service

  • Call 0800 122 3780
  • Email:
  • To make a referral, either for yourself or someone else, please complete the referral form. 

If you are pregnant and smoke

Please visit our local stop smoking in pregnancy services.

More information

Please visit Smoke Free Coventry and Warwickshire's website.