
Having a baby is an exciting time. With the highest standards of healthcare quality and safety, our dedicated team is here to guide you through your care choices and will provide you with personalised care throughout your pregnancy, birth and after your baby is born.

We offer maternity services at Warwick Hospital, Stratford Hospital and in the community at Children and Family Centres. You can plan to give birth at home, in our midwifery led unit (the Bluebell Birth Centre) or in our obstetric unit. Both units are situated at Warwick Hospital and provide a welcoming and calming environment. Our friendly and highly skilled staff are proud to welcome over 3,000 babies into the world each year!

We strive to give babies, parents and families everything they need for the best start in life.

Refer yourself for maternity care

You no longer need to see a GP and can refer yourself for maternity care by filling out our online form.

We will then be in touch by email with some useful advice about keeping well in pregnancy and the details of your appointments. If you don’t receive any emails from us, please check your junk folder.

We’re happy to help if you have any difficulties completing the form or any other issues. You can speak to us in the Bluebell Birth Centre by calling 01926 495321 ext 6977.

Please note we do not take out-of-area referrals via this route. Please speak to the midwifery team in your local area to complete the specific referral we require.

Click here to refer yourself for maternity care .

Antenatal screening choices for pregnancy

If you have chosen to accept a screening test, timing is very important. Please discuss with your midwife if you have any concerns.

Choices Checklist for screening tests in pregnancy:


Purpose of the Screening

Timing of the test

Infectious diseases

This is a blood sample is taken from your arm

To find out if you have hepatitis B, HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) or syphilis.

As early as possible in pregnancy, ideally by 10 weeks

Sickle cell and thalassaemia

This is a blood sample is taken from your arm

To find out if you are a carrier of the sickle cell or thalassaemia gene and therefore likely to pass it on to the baby.

Before you are 10 weeks pregnant

Dating Scan

This is an ultrasound scan

This scan can confirm your expected due date and check your baby's development and check the number of babies you are expecting

Between 10 and 14 weeks of pregnancy

Down’s syndrome, Edwards’ syndrome and Patau’s syndrome

This is a combined test, a blood sample is taken from your arm and at the dating ultrasound scan the fluid at the back of the baby’s neck is measured (known as the nuchal translucency.

To find out how likely it is that the baby has Down’s syndrome (also known as Trisomy 21 or T21), Edwards’ syndrome (Trisomy 18/T18) or Patau’s syndrome (Trisomy 13/T13).

Between 10 and 14 weeks of pregnancy

11 physical conditions

(20-week scan)

This is an ultrasound scan

The scan looks for 11 different conditions in the baby

Between 18 and 20 weeks and 6 days of pregnancy

Screening tests offered during and after pregnancy

Screening tests are used to find people at higher chance of a health condition. Whether or not to have each test is a personal choice that only the individual invited for screening can make.

We offer all pregnant women screening tests during pregnancy to look for certain health conditions that could affect them or their baby.

Screening tests are also offered for babies soon after they are born so they can be given appropriate treatment as quickly as possible if needed.

Watch a video showing the screening tests available during pregnancy and for newborn babies.


Read the Screening tests for you and your baby leaflet before your midwife booking appointment to find out much more about the screening tests offered during and after pregnancy. This information is also available in other languages and easy guides.

If you need one, you can pick up a printed copy of this leaflet at your booking appointment.If you would like information on the choices for antenatal screening choices in pregnancy, please click here.

Additional services and contacts

Community services

In addition we have five community midwifery teams who support you wherever you live in South Warwickshire and the surrounding areas.

Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU)

If your baby is born early or requires special medical and nursing care, they will be looked after in our Special Baby Care Unit. Baby's parents, grandparents and siblings are welcome to visit anytime. A maximum of two other visitors are allowed between 18:30 - 19:30 and all visitors must be accompanied by a parent at all times. As babies are very vulnerable at this time, they should not be visited by anyone who is unwell with a cold, recent diarrhoea or vomiting, or any infection.

NHS Warwickshire Stop Smoking in Pregnancy Service

For help and advice click here.

Certificate of Commitment by the UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative

Warwick Hospital is delighted to have been awarded a Certificate of Commitment by the UNICEF Baby Friendly Initiative. This recognises our commitment to supporting parents to make informed choices about how they feed and care for their babies. Warwick Hospital is proud to be working towards full Baby Friendly accreditation.

The Birth Experience Listening Service

At Warwick hospital we offer all women who have had a baby here, an opportunity to discuss the events surrounding their baby’s birth. If you think you could benefit from the opportunity to discuss your birth experience, please email our generic Birth Listening email address - The Birth Listening Service is not the correct service if you are looking to discuss complaints.

A member of the Birth Listening Team will email you back as soon as possible to arrange an appointment with an experienced Midwife. We offer sessions by telephone or on Microsoft Teams. Birth Listening Sessions can also be face-to-face if required, however this may incur a longer wait time for appointment. We try to arrange appointments to take place within 2-4 weeks of your email. There is no time limit after the birth, however we recommend that you wait at least 6-8 weeks so that you have had time to process what has happened. You can attend the appointment with your birth partner (or somebody else) if you would like to.

Maternity Voices Partnership Coventry and Warwickshire

Coventry and Warwickshire's Maternity Voices Partnership ensure the views, experiences and ideas of local mothers and birthing people contribute to the development of local maternity care by collecting feedback and sharing information. Click here to read more.

If you're on Facebook, visit the Maternity Voices - Coventry and Warwickshire page for the latest updates and news.

To contact Coventry and Warwickshire MVP email

SANDS - Stillborn and Neonatal Death Charity

Sands is a national helpline is for anyone who has been affected by the death of a baby and wants to talk to someone about their experience.
Tel: +44(0) 808 1643332 Email:

Twins Trust - we support twins, triples and more

Our mission is to:

  • Provide twins, triplets or more – and their families – with the information needed to make informed decisions
  • Facilitate a network of community support.
  • Ensure that our community’s unique needs are understood by the professionals who care for them and reflected in research, care standards and public policy.

Click here for more information.

Twinline is open Monday to Friday from 10am to 1pm and from 7pm to 10pm

Call: 0800 138 0509

If you would prefer not to call but would still like to contact the team for some support, complete Twins Trust's online form or email:

Antenatal Results and Choices (ARC)

ARC is a national charity which provides non-directive support and information to parents before, during and after antenatal testing.
Tel: +44(0) 845 0772290 or if you are calling from a mobile phone: +44(0) 207 7137486

Where you can choose to have your baby at SWFT

    Planning where to give birth is a very important decision that you will need to consider during your pregnancy. You can choose to have your baby at our maternity unit, either in the Bluebell Birth Centre or the Labour Ward, or in the comfort of your own home supported by our community midwifery team.

    We will work with you to support your birth choices.

    You can watch a tour of our maternity services here.


    A home birth is an option for you if you have an uncomplicated pregnancy.

    Home is an ideal place to have your baby. Birthing in a comfortable, familiar setting will help you to feel more in control and relaxed. Having your baby at home will also increase your chances of having a vaginal birth. Your family will also be able to see the baby straight away and remain together after the birth.

    Women and birthing people often decide to labour and give birth at home because they are in a familiar environment where they can move around more freely. This can reduce the need for strong pain relief, although gas and air (Entonox) and aromatherapy can still be used. A birth pool can also be hired which is an excellent form of pain relief and can help you move more easily in to the positions required in labour.

    If you give birth at home, you'll be supported by a midwife who is experienced and confident in delivering care in the community. The midwife will be with you while you are in labour and stay with you until after your baby has been born and had a successful feed. A second midwife will join you before the birth to give extra help and support.

    If you need any additional help or your labour is not progressing as it should, your midwife will plan for you to travel to a hospital. If this situation arises, the midwife will request the level of urgency that is required from the ambulance service. It’s important that you have either a good Wi-Fi connection or telephone service when choosing to give birth at home. The community midwives would continue to provide care for you throughout your time at home and during any transfer to hospital.

    The advantages of giving birth at home include:

    • Being in familiar surroundings where you may feel more relaxed and better able to cope.
    • Not having to interrupt your labour to go into hospital which enables your labour hormones to progress better.
    • Not needing to leave your other children, if you have any, although childcare arrangements should be made. Your children and family members can be part of the process when your baby joins the family.
    • Not being separated from your partner after the birth and able to relax in your own bed.
    • Increased likelihood of being looked after by a midwife you have gotten to know during your pregnancy.
    • You will need less pain relief in labour because of the support of the midwife and the environment you are in.
    • You are more likely to be upright during labour and birth as you will be encouraged to walk and move around. This helps in progressing your labour, as lying on a bed is usually uncomfortable and doesn’t make the most of gravity to aid your progress.
    • You are more likely to have a vaginal birth because you will need less pain relief and you’re more likely to be upright and mobile.
    • You are more likely to have a water birth, if you chose to hire one, as it is only for your use. Being in water assists with the discomfort of labour and in adopting better positions for labour and birth.
    • You are less likely to need an episiotomy (cut to perineum). We know that women and birthing people who are active in labour, are more likely to push their baby out naturally without much help. This can reduce the pressure on the tissue and make a cut less likely.
    • You are more likely to start breastfeeding successfully if you have a positive birth experience. Women and birthing people who’ve had a home birth almost always describe their birth experiences positively.
    • You can have more than one birth supporter if you wish. It’s your home and you can have who you want present. We suggest you only have people that are helpful to you though.

    We can’t guarantee that our community midwives will be able to support your home birth and you may be asked to attend the hospital. This is dependent on how busy our services are and the number of staff we have available at the time you go in to labour.

    Talk to your midwife if you are considering a home birth, they can give you more information and discuss whether a home birth is suitable for you and your baby.

    Bluebell Birth Centre










    Bluebell Birth Centre is our midwifery-led birthing unit at Warwick Hospital. If both you and your baby are well, you might choose to give birth here. Bluebell provides a calm and relaxing atmosphere. There are four birthing suites, all with birth pools and en-suite bathrooms, as well as comfy beds for after your baby is born.

    You will find the approach to your labour and the birth is not medical. Midwives are highly trained to offer support and encouragement, and care for you when you have an uncomplicated pregnancy and birth. They will advise you on the different ways to cope in labour such as using alternative positions, relaxation and water for labour. You will be in an environment that does not look like a hospital and feels more homely.

    The advantages of giving birth in the Bluebell Birth Centre include:

    • You will need less pain relief in labour because of the support of the midwife, and the environment and facilities available to you during labour.
    • You are more likely to be upright during labour and birth as you will be encouraged to walk and move around. This helps in progressing your labour, as lying on a bed is usually uncomfortable and doesn’t make the most of gravity to aid your progress.
    • You are more likely to have a vaginal birth because you will need less pain relief and you’re more likely to be upright and mobile.
    • You are more likely to have a water birth as there is a birth pool in each suite. Being in water helps you to be in comfortable positions for labour.
    • You are less likely to need an episiotomy (cut to perineum). We know that women and birthing people who are active in labour, are more likely to push their baby out naturally without much help. This can reduce the pressure on the tissue and make a cut less likely.
    • The environment of a birth centre helps women and birthing people to have positive birth experiences.
    • You are more likely to establish breastfeeding successfully if you have had a positive birth experience.
    • You can have more than one birth supporter if you wish. Your family can be with you throughout the birth but please check with the midwife first.
    • Your birth supporter can stay with you after the birth of your baby and until you’re ready to go home.

    If there is a complication during your pregnancy you will be seen by an obstetrician. If this happens, you might be advised to give birth in the Labour Ward.

    Most women and birthing people who give birth in Bluebell do so without any problems, however a small percentage experience difficulties and will be transferred to the Labour Ward to receive care from the obstetric team. If your baby experiences any complications, we will perform all the necessary emergency procedures and ask for the help of the Paediatric Department.

    It’s important to know that Bluebell doesn’t have obstetricians; they are based in the Labour Ward. We don’t provide epidurals, continuous fetal monitoring or provide caesarean sections in Bluebell; these are provided in Labour Ward.

    Talk to your midwife if you are considering giving birth in Bluebell, they can give you more information and discuss whether this is a suitable option for you and your baby.

    Labour Ward

    Our Labour Ward at Warwick Hospital has seven birthing rooms, all with an en-suite shower room. We have one room with a birth pool. Every effort will be made for you to use the birth pool if appropriate but there may be occasions when it’s already in use.

    The Labour Ward provides a relaxing birthing environment, however, should you or your baby require additional care and support, obstetric, paediatric and anaesthetists are available in addition to the midwifery team.

    Anyone can choose to give birth in the Labour Ward, however, if you have a complex pregnancy, you may be advised to give birth in this setting.

    The advantages of giving birth in the Labour Ward include:

    • An obstetrician will be close at hand, if your labour becomes complicated.
    • If you have certain medical conditions, it might be recommended that you have your baby in hospital where there are specialists available.
    • You can be offered a wider range of options to help you manage your contractions and labour. Pain relief options include epidural, gas and air (Entonox), pethidine and Remifentanil. For more information, the following website might be helpful: Labour Pains: pain relief and anaesthesia choices during labour
    • Both intermittent and continuous fetal monitoring are available in the Labour Ward. If continuous monitoring is necessary, this can be performed using a wireless device which allows you to move around during your labour.
    • You may find it reassuring to know extra help is available.

    Talk to your midwife or obstetrician about your birth options, they can give you more information and answer any questions you might have.

    Obstetric Theatres

    At Warwick Hospital we have two obstetric theatres that are integrated into our Labour Ward. This is so we can transfer you quickly and safely in to theatre if needed. Our obstetric theatres are used for planned and emergency caesarean sections, as well as some assisted births (also known as instrumental births) and perineal repairs. We have a dedicated obstetric theatre team who will support you throughout your procedure. Your birth supporter can be with you throughout your time in theatre.

    Useful links

    The following websites may be helpful if you’d like to find out more about your birth options including the advantages and risks:

    Labour pain relief at Warwick Hospital

    Labour Pains is the public information website of the Obstetric Anaesthetists’ Association. They provide reliable, unbiased information to expectant parents on pain relief and anaesthesia choices for birth that is well worth reading, also available in a wide range of translations.

    Click here for information on pain relief during labour.

    Pain relief medicationsPain relief without medications
    Gas and air (Entonox)TENS
    Epidural - if you would like an epidural, then it is important you understand the risks and complications. Please read this infographic in order to consent for the procedure. Water pool
    Remifentanil PCAComplimentary therapies

    Nurturing and feeding your baby

    We are proud that that our maternity services have been awarded UNICEF Baby Friendly accreditation for our standard of care. This accreditation indicates that we provide parents with the best possible care to build close and loving relationships with their baby and to feed their baby in ways which will support optimum health and development.

    The Infant Feeding Team has created a resource on a platform called Padlet which contains lots of evidence based information to support you with feeding your baby.

    To access this, please scan the below QR code using the camera on your phone or tablet, or click on the following link: SWFT Infant Feeding Padlet.

    Contact details:

    The Infant Feeding Team are generally available Monday to Friday between 09:00 and 17:00.

    You can contact them on 01926 495321 ext 8584. Outside of these times, they have a voicemail available for non-urgent queries.

    For more urgent queries, please contact:

    • Bluebell Birth Centre on 01926 495321 ext 6977
    • Swan Ward on 01926 495321 ext 4547

    Related links


    There are currently no restrictions in place within Maternity Services at South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust with regard to COVID-19.

    If you’re pregnant, you’re at greater risk of becoming seriously ill if you contract COVID-19. If you get COVID-19 later in your pregnancy (more than 28 weeks pregnant), your baby could also be at risk.

    If you have symptoms of COVID-19 and go into labour, you’ll be advised to give birth in the obstetric unit.

    Birth partners

    If your birth partner has COVID-19 or symptoms of COVID-19, please consider whether it is essential for them to attend the unit with you or whether you could bring someone else. If you do still wish for them to accompany you, please contact the maternity unit on 01926 495321 ext 4552 prior to arrival. Your birth partner will be asked to wear a mask at all times when in the maternity unit to keep your baby, you, other parents and staff safe and well.


    COVID-19 vaccination is strongly recommended for pregnant women and people. Anyone who is pregnant is encouraged to access COVID-19 vaccination during the autumn winter programme, as pregnancy is deemed a clinical risk group for COVID-19.

    COVID-19 vaccination is available to anyone pregnant irrespective of their previous vaccination history and they should aim to get protected as soon as possible.

    The easiest way to access COVID-19 vaccination is by:

    • Booking online through the NHS app.
    • Contacting your GP to arrange an appointment.

    If you have any questions or concerns regarding COVID-19, please contact:

    • Bluebell Birth Centre on 01926 495321 ext 6977 or
    • Maternity Assessment Suite on 01926 495321 ext 8408

    The latest maternity information concerning COVID-19, can be found here:

    Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU)

    The interactive Neonatal Unit tours have been designed to help families understand what to expect before they arrive on the unit. The 3D tour will enable families to explore the unit, get to know their way around, and includes useful information such as:

    • Directions and facilities

    • Commonly used equipment

    • Educational videos

    • Support available

    • Useful website links

    Please click here for tips on exploring the unit tour.

    Please click here for a user guide for neonatal virtual tours.

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