
What we do

The Orthodontic Department manages problems of development of the teeth and jaws, with particular focus on severe and complex problems. These are most commonly corrected through the use of braces, often in association with oral surgery, to correct abnormalities of tooth or jaw position or with other dental/medical specialities for specific problems.

Our department is the only consultant-led orthodontic team in the Arden (Coventry and Warwickshire) area. We therefore receive high volumes of complex orthodontic cases of the types listed above. We have strong links to other regional District General Hospitals, and to the main teaching hospitals in Birmingham including the Birmingham Dental Hospital.

Our team engages regularly in audit and research at both local and national level, and the clinical team participates in the West Midlands Consultant Orthodontist Group and the Arden Managed Clinical Network in Orthodontics.

Types of cases the service treats

The following types of case are treated:

  • Orthognathic cases - combination of jaw realignment surgery with brace treatment
  • Cleft lip and palate cases
  • Patients with craniofacial abnormalities
  • Patients with special needs
  • Patients with complex medical histories
  • Complex restorative and hypodontia cases - multiple teeth missing due to developmental abnormalities
  • Cases requiring adjunctive surgery - commonly to expose and align buried teeth
  • Patients with snoring and mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnoea

Other than for specialist registrar training, or in other exceptional circumstances, we do not treat the following types of routine brace patients:

  • Low objective need cases Index of Orthodontic Treatment Need (IOTN) grades 3 and below
  • Routine IOTN Grade 4a or 4d case
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