Breast Care

Welcome to the Warwick Breast Care information page

Please click on the individual headings for more information about who we are and what we do. You will also find links to further information that may be relevant to you.


We have the following facilities:

  • Waiting Room
  • 2 Consulting Rooms
  • Breast Care Nurse Discussion Room
  • Mammography Room
  • Ultrasound Room
  • Treatment Room
  • Disabled Facility
  • Courtyard Garden

Coffee and hot chocolate are available at a cost of £1 in the Helen Clark Suite.

Water is available free of charge in the Helen Clark and Beauchamp Suites.

Most appointments are based in the Helen Clark Suite, however some breast clinics are also held in the Beauchamp Suite. This should be made clear on your clinic appointment letter, if you are unsure please call the Breast Care Team on 01926 495321 ex.8412.


Having an awareness of how your breasts or chest feels and looks is important for all women and men throughout their life. Although the risk of breast cancer raises with age it is sensible to be aware of your own breast or chest and know what is normal for you.

There is no right or wrong way to examine yourself, however we often recommend that you feel around your breast and chest area including your armpits with a flat hand when you are in the bath or shower.

The following links give you more information on how to do this and what signs and symptoms you should look out for and what to report to your GP.

Breast Cancer Now- Know your Breasts: A guide to breast awareness and screening.

‘Knowing Your Lemons’ Foundation campaign.

Know your lemons also has an accessible, free-to-use app called ‘Lemons’. This app not only sets a reminder for you to check your breasts but also has videos and audio information on how to check your breast and what lumps mean. There is a questionnaire to complete if you have concerns and an area for you to monitor your findings and keep a diary to determine what is normal for you according to your menstrual cycle and hormone changes through the month.

Facebook: knowyourlemonsfoundation

Instagram: @knowyourlemons

Twitter: @knowyourlemons

Youtube: knowyourlemons


CoppaFeel! Breast Cancer awareness

You can also sign up for shower reminder posters, text or email reminders to check your breasts through CoppaFeel!.

CoppaFeel! is a friendly website that works with one mission: everyone to regularly check their boobs. Their website has a video demonstrating how to check your breasts, why you check and what to look for with ‘Hand meet Boob – Boob check basics’.

Facebook: CoppaFeel!

Instagram: @coppafeelpeople

Twitter: @coppafeelpeople



We offer prosthesis fitting clinics at Stratford Hospital. Clinics are regularly run by Amoena and Trulife and provide full and partial prosthesis, as well as bra fitting advice. Click the links below for more information.



SWFT also host a Nicola Jane bra and swimwear advice service. Click the link below for more information and to book an appointment.

Nicola Jane

Click here to read our patient information leaflet about these services.


Breast Care Team Members

The management of any breast concern requires a team approach and we work very closely as a multidisciplinary team including:- Consultant Breast Surgeons, Consultant Radiologists, Consultant Oncologists, Consultant Breast Pathologists, Breast Care Nurses and Specialist Breast Radiographers in conjunction with Consultant Plastic Surgeons based at the University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire (UHCW) and Geneticists based at the Birmingham Women’s Hospital. We have strong links with our colleagues in the Breast Screening Unit, also based at the University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire. We hold a weekly Multidisciplinary Breast Team Meeting (MDTM) on a Monday afternoon.

Consultant Breast Surgeons: Mr Simon Harries (Lead), Miss Lucie Jones, Miss Ruvinder Athwal and Mr Mashuk Khan supported by two Registrars

Consultant Radiologists: Dr Paul Williams, Dr. Sapna Abdul Rahim and Dr Alpna Jain.

Consultant Breast Pathologists: Dr Naresh Chachlani, Dr Farah Sandhu, Dr Sreenivas Muthyala and Dr Amgad Youssef.

Consultant Clinical Oncologists: Dr Nawaz Walji, Dr Denise Hrouda based at Warwick Hospital and Dr Zin Oo based at the Rigby Unit, Stratford Hospital.

Breast Care Nurses: (Breast care nurses are experienced qualified nurses who have undertaken specialist training in the care of patients with breast cancer) Clinical Nurse Specialist Siân Corrie (lead), Clinical Nurse Specialist Paula Read, Secondary Breast Care Nurse Specialist Sarah McDonald, Clinical Nurse Specialist Laurie Smith, Breast Care Nurses Emma Main, Roxy Gallagher, Rebecca Burridge, Anna Farren, Lindsey Spicer

Breast Radiographers: Leigh-Anne Keyte (Lead), Sarah Bonsall, Kate Day and Kelly Deeley. We also work closely with the screening team, based at University Hospital of Coventry and Warwickshire

Additional staff: Breast Cancer Coordinator Kala Alvarez, Breast Care Administrator Trish Bates, Receptionists Ann Beadle and Alison Canning, Clinical Support Worker Margaret Maye, MDT Coordinator Laura White, and Breast Secretaries Ms. Charmaine Domingo and Mrs. Sarah Bates.


Patients can be referred to the breast clinic via several routes:

  • GP referral with potential symptoms of breast cancer under “cancer suspected”` or “cancer not suspected” via the “Two Week Wait” or “Choose and Book”
  • Non urgent GP referrals for family history advice or corrective surgery procedures
  • Breast Screening
  • Other hospital teams

What to expect at your appointment

Every attempt is made to keep all the clinics on time but sometimes the demands on the service make this difficult. Occasionally it is necessary to see some patients out of time order so that we can make the best use of our resources. Please bear with us as we will always do our best to see each patient as quickly and as effectively as possible.

Please allow two to three hours for your visit as a new patient. Although many patients are in the department for a much shorter period of time. You are welcome to bring a friend/partner with you, both to the initial visit and for any follow-up visits. Interpreter services are available on request.

On arrival, if you are a new patient, we will ask you to fill in an information leaflet (this can be completed at home if you wish). We use a “triple assessment” approach to assess any breast symptoms. The three elements are clinical, radiological and pathological assessment. Not all patients will require the full triple assessment with the majority needing only the clinical and radiological assessments.

Clinical Assessment

The doctor will take a full history of your breast problem plus background information such as any previous breast problems, family history, use of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT), previous mammograms etc. They will also ask about your general health and medication.

Radiological Assessment

In many, but not all, cases the doctor will recommend that you have breast imaging this could be:

  • A mammogram - an x-ray technique used to examine the breast/s or chest
  • Or an ultrasound scan - a painless test, that only takes a few minutes, where a special gel is placed on the breast and a small probe emitting sound waves, is passed over the area.

Generally mammograms are used for women over the age of 40 and ultrasound scans in women under 40, a woman over 40 may have both a mammogram and an ultrasound.

Pathological Assessment

Sometimes, a core biopsy is recommended to sample the breast tissue if an area of concern if found. A local anaesthetic is used to numb the area and make the procedure as comfortable as possible. The core biopsy can be taken using ultrasound, x-ray guidance or occasionally by the breast doctor in the clinic. Specimens are then sent to the pathology laboratory to be examined, this process can take two to three weeks to obtain results.

The breast can be bruised, swollen and tender following a core biopsy but generally it settles within seven days. You may be offered an appointment to come back to the breast clinic to discuss the results of your investigations. Otherwise, you will be contacted by letter or telephone with your investigation results, a letter will also be sent to your GP.

Whenever possible, all investigations are undertaken at one appointment, however, there are times when this is not possible. If that is the case an appointment will be made for you to return to the Breast Care Unit, as soon as possible, to complete your investigations.


There are range of benign breast conditions that can occur at different stages of your life. These can vary between men and women but can present in a similar way to a breast cancer. If you notice a change in your breast or chest that is new for you then it is advisable to seek advice from your GP who will assess you and refer you to the breast clinic if you meet the referral guidelines.

For further information on a range of benign conditions please, click here.

The following is a list of common benign conditions, please visit the Breast Cancer Now website.


A breast cancer diagnosis can have a significant impact on you, your family or close friends. Treatment will be tailored to your particular breast cancer characteristics and may involve surgery, chemotherapy, radiotherapy and hormone therapy. There are a number of other treatments that may be relevant for certain individuals such as immunotherapy or targeted treatments. The order in which you have these treatments may vary and there may be no need for certain treatments. Please talk to your Breast Care Nurse who can explain this in more detail.

Your Breast Care team will talk to you about the most suitable treatment for you depending on your particular cancer characteristics and your overall health and social situation.

Information and support will be given to you at each stage to help you make informed decisions about your treatment options.


On completion of your treatment for breast cancer you will have open access to the Breast Care team for 5 years as part of the Patient Centred Follow Up Pathway (PCFU). The open access pathway means that you will be self-managing with open access to the Breast Care Nurse team if you have any concerns.

You will have annual surveillance mammogram for 5 years, as appropriate, and will have an invitation to attend for a nurse led end of treatment discussion about 3 months after your treatment has finished.

For more information please click here.


Cancer Secondary breast cancer is when breast cancer cells spread from the primary breast cancer, through the blood or lymphatic system, to other areas of the body.

Secondary breast cancer can also be called Metastatic breast cancer, advanced breast cancer or Stage 4 breast cancer.

The most common areas that breast cancer spreads to are the bones, lungs, liver and brain, although areas such as lymph nodes, skin and abdomen can also be affected.

Although Secondary Breast Cancer is not curable, it is treatable and there are many treatment options available. This may include Hormone therapy, Chemotherapy, Immunotherapy and Radiotherapy depending on the type of cancer it is.

A diagnosis of breast cancer can often be traumatic and trigger many different emotions such as sadness, loss of hope, disbelief, denial, anger, fear and feelings of isolation.

Treatment aims are to control the cancer, relieve any symptoms and maintain a good quality of life for as long as possible.

Life expectancy is difficult to predict as no two cancers are the same and response to treatments vary. However, as treatments improve more people are living longer after a diagnosis of breast cancer.

The Secondary Breast care Nurse will also be available to support during and after Consultant clinic appointments and be a point of contact for any queries or concerns that may arise during treatment.

There are many resources to help support people through this time and the Secondary Breast Care Nurse Specialist will help to identify which may be the most beneficial, and then sign post and refer to those services as appropriate.

Please find information booklets on Secondary Breast Cancer below:

Secondary Breast Cancer Information Pack


Living with Secondary Breast Cancer


Caring for someone with Secondary Breast



Our team of Clinical Nurse Specialists (CNSs) and Breast Care Nurses (BCNs) are available to support you and your family through your diagnosis and treatment. We provide clinical guidance and evidence-based information to help with your decision-making related to treatments and wellbeing. We are able to offer emotional support and provide signposting to additional services offered locally and nationally.

We aim to provide holistic care based upon discussions with you and your family about your individual needs. These can also be assessed with the help of the Holistic Needs Assessment form - please below. We would encourage you to make contact with the team to discuss any needs or concerns you may have.

Within the team we have Breast Care Nurses who specialise in surgery, chemotherapy and secondary breast cancer.

The Breast Care Nursing team also provide support and advice during the five year follow up period. Please see more information under Patient Centred Follow up Pathway.

Holistic Needs Assessment (HNA) and care planning


South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust is “research active”.

We actively screen patients for suitable research trials throughout their breast cancer pathway. If you would like to discuss this further you can talk to your medical team or email:

For further information on clinical trials please click here.


Breast Clinical Photography - Helen Clarke Suite

Click here to view a patient information leaflet on Clinical Photography. Clinical photography is a specialist type of photograph used by clinical staff in assessing treatment progress.


For further general information please click on the following links:

For further support please click on the following links;


Breast Care Nurses:

We are accessible by telephone Monday to Friday, 8.30am - 4pm and there is a message facility.

Breast Care Nurses telephone number – 01926 495321 extension 4503 and email We can offer advice and support over the phone or arrange an appointment to meet in person.

  • Helen Clark Suite Reception - 01926 495321 extension 8412
  • Breast Care Secretaries - 01926 495321 extension 4325
  • Breast Care Two Week Wait Team - 01926 495321 extension 8201
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