The Coventry Family Health and Lifestyle Service aims to provide health and well-being support for children, young people, and families in Coventry.
For more information on any of our services, please contact the team:
Coventry Family Health and Lifestyle Team
Moat House Leisure & Neighbourhood Centre
Winston Avenue, Coventry, CV2 1EA
Tel: 02475 189190
What we do
We are a voluntary programme for young first time mothers (and their partners), aged 19 years or under. Our specially trained nurses provide regular home visits, from early pregnancy up until your child is aged one or you can choose to stay until your child is aged two. FNP uses methods based on attachment theory, relationships, and self-efficacy. Your family nurse will build a trusting and supportive relationship with you and your family, they will guide you so that you will be able to adopt healthier lifestyles for yourself and your baby, provide good care for your baby and toddler, and plan your future. Your family nurse will also deliver the Healthy child Programme during this time.
Your family nurse will help you with the following:
Your life skills
Your health and wellbeing
Looking after your baby
Your baby’s development
Safety and stability
Connecting with your baby
Family and support network
Goals and aspirations
We hope to be able to give everyone a place on the programme, however, if the programme is full, you will be supported by other services and your midwife will help with this.
FNP visits begin before your baby is born, with weekly visits to begin with and then every two weeks. After your baby's birth your family nurse will offer you weekly visits for the first six weeks. Your family nurse will also explore with you about the support you need and offer a personalised approach to your care in pregnancy, after the birth of your baby and throughout the time you are on the programme. You and your allocated nurse will decide what to cover in each visit and your family nurse is always available to talk through any concerns you have in-between visits.
Your family nurse can work with you up until your baby is 2 years old, however there is an option to graduate from the programme when your child is 1 years old. Your family nurse will discuss and support you with this. When you graduate from the FNP programme your nurse will ensure a sensitive and timely handover to your local health visiting team. Your nurse will make sure you are aware of the team and your allocated health visitor and will arrange a joint home visit if that is what you would like.
The FNP programme is voluntary to join. If you would like further information or just have a chat about what the programme offers, please contact the team as we are happy to talk.
Dads or partners are welcome to join in if the mum would like them to. You don't have to be in a relationship for dads to attend.
ROSPA car seat website - a properly fitted child car seat will help to prevent your child from being thrown about inside the vehicle or ejected from it if there is a crash
Developed alongside the NHS, DadPad is a free app available on android and digital, with content created and added especially for Dad’s. Just search DadPad on Google Play / App store.
What we do
We work to improve the health and wellbeing of children and families in the crucial first years of life.
Our Health Visiting teams offer friendly support and advice and we work closely with GPs, midwives, school nurses and the wider local community.
The service is universal to all children and families, with a wider service to those with additional needs.
We provide the Healthy Child Programme to ensure a healthy start for your child, ongoing support for parents, and access to a range of community based services and resources. It is a universal service that is offered to all parents and includes:
a visit and check when your baby is 10-14 days old
a review for you and your baby at 6-8 weeks carried out by your GP/Health Visitor
a 10- 12 month health review
a 2-2 ½ year review, usually carried out by a nursery nurse
Targeted - Specific support when you need it
Targeted support gives parents an expert response from health visitors when specific help is needed. This may be in the case of:
Post-natal depression
Sleep problems
Other feeding issues
Speech development
Concerns regarding your child’s behaviour and/or development
Specialist - Ongoing support for families with more complex needs
Specialist support provides ongoing support from health visiting teams plus a range of local services that help with more complex issues. These include Family Hubs, other community services including some charities when appropriate, and the Family Nurse Partnership. For example:
Teams 1, 3, 6 & 7
1st Floor, Moat House Leisure & Neighbourhood Centre, 1 Winston Avenue, Coventry, CV2 1EA
Teams 2, 4 & 5
312 Charter Avenue, Tile Hill, Coventry, CV4 8DA
For advice and support, please text ChatHealth on 07507 329 114 9:00am to 4.30pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank and public holidays).
Should you need to speak to a Health Visitor please call 02475 189190, 8:30am to 4.00 pm Monday to Friday (excluding bank and public holidays).
If your Child is unwell please see your GP, ring 111, or if it is a Medical Emergency please ring 999.
Related links
Developed alongside the NHS, DadPad is a free app available on android and digital, with content created and added especially for Dad’s.
Just search DadPad on Google Play Store / App Store.
The Coventry Infant Feeding Team are here to help families make an informed decision about how to feed their baby, to support families through their feeding journey and beyond.
Who we are
We are a team of UNICEF BFI Trained and Accredited Infant Feeding Peer Support Workers, we offer support to Coventry families throughout pregnancy and after baby has been born.
What does our team offer?
Mother/Parent is allocated an infant feeing peer support worker.
Information on building a close and loving relationship with your baby, before and after baby is born.
Antenatal support.
Details of the health benefits of breastfeeding.
Information on brain development, oxytocin, effective milk transfer, responsive feeding and more.
Home visits.
Virtual Support such as weekday video and telephone consultation and text message support.
Twice weekly feeding cafes.
Infant feeding peer support worker lead clinics.
Specialist infant feeding clinics.
Weekly virtual antenatal class.
Video masterclasses on common feeding issues.
Pump hire.
Staff training.
Direction to our social media handles, which is updated with information and support.
Unicef’s Baby Friendly Initiative, we have been awarded re-accreditation and are now going for gold!
Our Working Partners
University Hospitals Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust
Health Visiting
Maternity Services
Family Health and Lifestyle Service Coventry
Coventry University
We aim to:
Promote breastfeeding
Skin to skin
Emotional attachment and bonding
Responsive feeding and parenting
Relationship building, building a happy baby
We offer virtual consultations, breastfeeding support clinics and home visiting.
How to contact us
Telephone: 07904 984620 or the Coventry Family Health and Lifestyle Service single point entry number on: 02475 189191
The Big latch in the Memorial Park in Coventry with the Association of Breastfeeding Mothers.Receiving our reaccreditation award with the Lord mayor of Coventry.
What we do
MAMTA is FWT’s award winning Child and Maternal Health programme and based at FWT- a centre for women Coventry’s leading women only organisations with 30+ years’ experience of supporting women in the city.
MAMTA is commissioned by SWFT to work directly with BAME groups in Coventry around Child and Maternal Health, and is part of the current 0-19 Family and Health and Lifestyle Service. In partnership with UHCW maternity services, MAMTA empowers & supports BAME women in pregnancy and after the baby is born.
The aim of the service is to improve the health outcomes of BAME women & their babies. Peer workers from the community, support women alongside health professionals in the clinics on a 1 to 1 basis – reinforcing important key health messages with vital connections to other services within SWFT and FWT and other partners depending on need.
The MAMTA service has supported 40k+ BAME women antenatally and postnatally across Coventry since its inception.
MAMTA (FHLS) is offering universal phone support to all BAME pregnant women in Coventry. All BAME women will be offered Parent Craft run in conjunction with UHCW maternity services.
Parent Craft
MAMTA offers support to all BAME pregnant women in Coventry by delivering key health messages and offering parent education classes which are language supported in 3 ways -
Face to Face Parent Craft Sessions at FWT on Mondays
We provide a named school nurse in each mainstream school in Coventry, to help children and young people (from school entry to 19 years old) to take responsibility for their own health and to adopt a healthy lifestyle.
We also assess the health needs of the school community, planning and implementing programmes that promote and protect public health. We work in partnership with other agencies to address wider threats to, and inequalities, in health.
Coventry School Nursing Service supports the delivery of the Healthy Child Programme 5-19 years old (DH 2009) and adheres to the guidance as per Coventry Safeguarding Children’s Board. This includes for example the delivery of the National Child Measurement Programme, Reception, Year 6 and Year 9 Health Assessments and Hearing Screening for Reception aged children.
Preparing for your appointment
An appointment with your school nurse or a member of the team could take place at the child’s school, at home, at a community centre or online, for example; via video calls or our free online parent information sessions.
Parents can call the School Nurses to discuss any child health concerns they may have, on either of the phone numbers above, depending on which base covers your child’s/children’s school (see table below). The admin team will be in the office between 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday to Friday excluding bank and public holidays. Note: we do work during school holidays/closures.
If your child is unwell please call your GP or call 111. For medical emergencies ring 999.
Texting service – Young people aged 11-18 can text us on: 07507 331949
ChatHealth is a text messaging service that enables 11-18 year olds across Coventry to send confidential SMS text messages to School Nurses who will provide impartial advice and support between 8:00am-5:00pm Monday to Friday, excluding bank and public holidays. Note: We do check messages during school holidays/closures.
Parent Line texting service – parents/carers can text us on: 07507 329114
Please text "Chat Health" for advice and support from your school nurse, between 8:00am to 5:00pm Monday to Friday, excluding bank and public holidays. Note: We do check messages during school holidays/closures.
Unless you give permission, the information you provide will not be shared with other agencies – except in circumstances where we feel you or someone else is at significant risk or there are safeguarding concerns. If we did need to share your conversation, we would always try to speak with you first. In order to provide you with the best possible care, we hold information you tell us, on electronic records that are shared with other relevant health professionals. Your information will be kept secure, accurate and in a manner that is compatible with General Data Protection Regulation. More information on our privacy policy.
Our text number does not receive voice calls or MMS picture messages. We support messaging from UK mobile numbers only (which does not include messages sent from landlines, international mobile numbers and some 'number masking' mobile apps). To prevent the health visitor from sending messages to you, text STOP to our number. Messages are charged at your usual rates.
Health for Kids– An engaging platform for children to learn about health through games, activities, and quizzes. It also features a "Grown Ups" section for parents and caregivers, offering health-related news and information.
Health for Teens - ​​​​​​​A website especially for teens to educate on various health topics, including contraception, mental health, drugs, and alcohol.
NHS Better Health – Games, information, recipes and advice about ways to have a healthier lifestyle
At your first appointment with your Midwife you will be asked to do a simple breath test for carbon monoxide (CO). CO is a toxic gas released from tobacco smoke, exhaust fumes and faulty gas appliances. CO is extremely harmful to you and your baby:
Each time you smoke your baby is deprived of the oxygen s/he needs to grow for about 20 minutes
It deprives your muscles, brain and body tissues of oxygen
It damages your placenta
It restricts the oxygen supply to your baby
It can lead to poor growth, premature birth and still birth
Why should you quit smoking?
The earlier you stop the better. But it’s never too late to quit!
Your baby will feel the benefits straight away
You will reduce the risk of your baby being born underweight and under-developed
You and your baby will be free from CO in less than 24 hours
More money to spend on you and your baby
More time to spend with your family
Reduced stress and anxiety
Better health in the future
We want you to have the best chance of a healthy and happy baby so we refer all smokers to the NHS Stop Smoking in Pregnancy Service for help to quit.
We’re not here to tell you to stop. We’re here to help if you want to quit.
We’re here to give you honest, unbiased support to help you take steps towards a healthy, smoke-free pregnancy. We offer free Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) to all our clients, including patches and gum to help you quit, and are always on hand to answer any questions or concerns you might have.
Our specialist advisors are available to come to your home to chat through the options and work with you, one to one, to help you achieve your goal. We know everyone is different and our advisors have the knowledge and experience to help find the best way forward for you. And it doesn’t end with just one session. We will be there for you with regular appointments throughout your pregnancy to help, encourage and advise.
Normally, you can access our services by being referred by your midwife but if you want to, call us FREE on: 07904 984620 and tell us you are pregnant and would like to quit smoking, we will put you in touch with your local Stop Smoking in Pregnancy Advisor, and a home visit will be arranged.
The Be Active Be Healthy (BABH) team deliver a range of healthy lifestyle and exercise programmes designed to improve the health of children by supporting families to reduce weight, increase physical activity and adopt healthier long term behaviours. These programmes are for Coventry residents.
The team works closely with schools and early years settings to promote a healthy food environment and to maximise opportunity for physical activity.
Our Programmes
One Body One Life (OBOL)
One Body One Life (OBOL) is a free 8-10 week programme to help you and your family make real changes to your eating and exercise habits, to be fitter, healthier and more active.
What is the referral criteria for OBOL Programmes?
The only criteria to qualify for a place on an OBOL Programme is that you have a CV postcode. These programmes have no other referral criteria as they can be seen as prevention as well as cure.
What do you get?
FREE 8-10 week programme tailored to your needs.
FREE health checks so you can see the changes.
Advice and support from qualified coaches.
Healthy eating workshops.
Fun physical activity sessions.
Healthy eating tips.
What's in it for you?
A free 8-10 week healthy eating and physical activity programme for children and their parents or carers. Designed to offer a friendly and creative environment to learn about healthy eating and active play.
Types of OBOL Programmes
OBOL 2-4
This programme is currently delivered in children's centres, community venues and school nurseries across Coventry.
Free 8-10 week healthy eating and physical activity programme for children aged 2 to 4 years and their parents or carers. Designed to offer a friendly and creative environment to learn about healthy eating and active play.
OBOL Family
Free 8-10 week programme for families, designed to help you and your child choose healthier foods and spend more time together having fun and being active. Children must attend with a parent.
This programme is currently delivered in primary schools, sports centres and community venues across Coventry.
OBOL Webinar
Online nutritional support for families.
Buggy Workout
FREE weekly exercise sessions suitable for all stages of pregnancy/post-partum, catering to all fitness levels with adaptations of exercises where necessary.
A fun, social session with a mixture of power walking, strength/toning and postural/pelvic exercises.
Start or stay active during and after pregnancy and chat to other mums and mums to be.
Please contact the team to find out where these sessions are currently taking place.
Buggy Workout Extra
Buggy workout extra is a 10 week programme which includes a buggy workout session, a health check at the beginning and end of the course, and gives you an understanding of a balanced diet, weaning and quick recipes on the go.
Please contact the team to find out when the next programmes are running and to book onto the next programme.
What is the referral criteria for Buggy Workout?
This programme is seen as a preventative resource for all women however it has been created especially for;
Women who have a BMI of 28+ with additional concerns
Chinese, South Asian and African-Caribbean/ Black Caribbean Women who have a BMI of 30+ or BMI of 27.5
These women will therefore be prioritised on the programme over others.
Bump&Me – Online Antenatal exercise
Stay active during pregnancy. Suitable for any fitness levels, with exercises adapted to suit all stages of trimester.
This programme is seen as a preventative resource for all women however it has been created especially for;
Women who have a BMI of 28+ with additional concerns
Chinese, South Asian and African-Caribbean/ Black Caribbean Women who have a BMI of 30+ or BMI of 27.5
These women will therefore be prioritised on the programme over others.
Eating Well During Pregnancy
This programme consists of four, 40 minute online sessions to help you eat well and feel well during pregnancy.
Sessions include:
Eat Well, Feel Well
Eating a balanced diet
Eating Safely
Getting practical
What is the referral criteria for Eating Well During Pregnancy?
This programme is seen as a preventative resource therefore has no referral criteria.
Nutrition for Life
In conjunction with ‘Eating Well During Pregnancy’ this is an online antenatal well-being programme to support you to develop healthy eating habits for life and support emotional well-being and motivation.
Sessions include:
Developing Healthy Relationship with food
Thinking Well, Feeling Well
Eating & living mindfully
Maintaining motivation & well-being
What is the referral criteria for Nutrition for Life?
This programme is seen as a preventative resource for all women however it has been created especially for;
Women who have a BMI of 28+ with additional concerns
Chinese, South Asian and African-Caribbean/ Black Caribbean Women who have a BMI of 30+ or BMI of 27.5
These women will therefore be prioritised on the programme over others.
Active Tots / Active Kids / Active Teens / Active Families
In a digital world where children are spending more and more time looking at screens and less time playing outdoors, the problem of childhood obesity is becoming a growing concern in the UK. It is therefore extremely important to encourage a healthy and active lifestyle from a young age to try and reduce inactivity and sedentary lifestyles in children. The Be Active Be Healthy Team are available to offer Schools and Community venues a physical activity programme designed to engage the whole family – Active Families, or an after school physical activity club for children – Active Kids/Active Teens.
Start Active Stay Active – Physical activity Training for Early Years
This training resource has been developed to provide parents, carers and practitioners essential information on physical activity for under three's through an information booklet and half day training session for early years workers and parents / carers. The training is a great way to share ideas of how the minimum amount of recommended activity can be achieved.
What is the referral criteria for Active Sessions?
This programme is seen as a preventative resource therefore has no referral criteria.
For more information on any of the programmes, please contact the team:
Coventry Family Health and Lifestyle Team
Moat House Leisure & Neighbourhood Centre
Winston Avenue, Coventry, CV2 1EA
Tel: 07852 921406
Mental Health Webinar - A 30 minute webinar on Positive Mental Health to enhance well-being by managing negative emotions and cultivating positive emotions using the science of Positive Psychology