The Community Recovery Service (CRS) is a short-term service, providing additional support to those who need it, to return home confidently following a hospital admission. CRS will work with you to support your recovery through home care and therapy services.
CRS is funded by the NHS and Warwickshire County Council. The amount of care and therapy you receive is based on your individual needs, up to a maximum of six weeks if needed.
Meet Adam Newberry, Therapy Assistant Practitioner, discussing the impact of the Community Recovery Service (CRS) and how SWFT are among six leading trusts dedicated to enabling patients to recover in their home environment after a hospital stay.
The video below provides an insightful visit to Barrie Wills, a patient on the CRS pathway, engaging in therapy exercises within the comfort of his own home. For more information on this campaign.
CRS is for people who have additional care needs following a hospital stay, which cannot be met by existing care provision or help from friends and family. It is suitable for those who can return home but need additional help and support to do so.
You will be supported by a care provider to assist your recovery at home, up to a maximum of four visits per day if needed. Carers will work with you to maximise your level of independence, aiming to reduce your care needs. The number of care visits you receive will change during the service as and when your individual support needs change; care will be reduced as you recover and become more independent. Carers will support you with your daily living tasks and will encourage you to do as much as safely possible for yourself.
The types of support delivered through CRS:
- Support with moving around your home
- Support with your personal care (washing, dressing, undressing, accessing the toilet)
- Support with preparing meals
The carers will record how you have managed, enabling your progress and recovery to be reviewed.
Once you are home, a member of the CRS therapy team will review your needs over the telephone. Not everyone will have therapy needs, if you do, a home assessment will be arranged. The therapy team will:
- Seek to understand what is important to you and what your goals are.
- Work with you to agree a plan - up to a maximum of six weeks if needed - to help achieve those goals, which will be shared with your care provider.
- Help to identify the things you can do at home to support your recovery.
- Provide equipment to help you if needed.
- Regularly review your goals and progress – working with your care agency to amend care when/if your needs change.
- Make referrals to other services, as needed.
CRS will end when you have reached your improvement goals, returned to your previous level of independence or it is established that you have ongoing support needs.
If you have ongoing care needs:
- You might want to consider arranging your own ongoing care and support. If you are not sure how to do this, social care can offer advise and guidance to help you.
- An assessment of your needs by social care - as well as a financial assessment - will be completed.
- You may be referred to a long-term support service, such as another home care provider and may have to pay a contribution towards this.
- If you have ongoing therapy or health needs, you will be referred onto the appropriate NHS service