What we do
Our Intensive Care Unit (ICU) provides specialised monitoring and treatment for adults with life threatening conditions, 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
We have 6 beds for level 3 (intensive care) and level 2 (high dependency care) patients.
We also have a Team of Critical Care Outreach Nurses that assess and provide advice / support for sick patients on the wards.
Each patient is under the direct care of a consultant anaesthetist and a consultant of the relevant speciality. Usually, one nurse is allocated to one or two patients with a senior nurse in overall charge. Physiotherapists visit patients’ on a daily basis and treat according to the needs of the patient. Student nurses might also be allocated to work with the qualified nurses. They are always closely supervised however you are within your rights to refuse for a student nurse to be involved in your care should you wish. There may be occasions when you feel you would like to be involved in your relative's care or would like to stay with your relative during certain procedures. Please discuss this with the nurse looking after your relative and they will be able to arrange it.
Please feel free to ask questions. If you would like to speak to the consultant ask the nursing staff and they will arrange this for you. However, please note that detailed information concerning the patient will only be given to the next of kin in respect of the patient’s privacy.
We’re committed to ensuring every voice is heard when it comes to patient care. As part of a national initiative, Martha’s Rule is being implemented across the NHS to empower patients and their families to raise urgent concerns about clinical deterioration.
Under Martha’s Rule, patients and relatives will have direct access to Critical Care Outreach teams, providing a critical platform for raising concerns and ensuring prompt action.
If you’re an adult inpatient at Warwick Hospital and worried about your own condition, or if you’ve visited someone you feel concerned about, the first thing you should do is talk to the nurses and doctors on the ward.
However, Call for Concern is here to help you if:
- You’ve noticed a deterioration in the patient’s condition and feel this has not been recognised by their clinical team
- You still have concerns after speaking to the patient’s ward nurse or doctor
Please call: 01926 567168
You will be put through to someone who can take your contact details and pass them on to Critical Care Outreach who will respond as soon as possible to your concerns.
Please do not call this number if you have worries related to issues such as hospital food, car parking or other non-clinical issues.
Visiting times: 12:00 to 19:00
On arrival please ring the bell at the ICU entrance and wait for someone to answer.
Visiting can be tiring and stressful, especially for patients, therefore please only visit for short periods. For the same reason, visitors are restricted to close family and friends and only two visitors are allowed at any one time at the bedside. There may be circumstances where these restrictions do not apply and this can be discussed with the nurse in charge.
Please check with the nursing staff before bringing food or drink for the patient. Please do not bring flowers and plants as the water can become a source of infection. Letters and cards may be sent or brought to the patient.
It is not recommended that young children visit as there are often infections around to which they may be susceptible. However, if you would like to bring a child to visit, please discuss it with the nurse in charge.
There is access for disabled visitors via the lifts and there is enough space around the beds to enable a wheelchair to fit in. there is also a disabled toilet within the ICU.
Intensive Care Unit, 2nd floor of Warwick Hospital (next to Willoughby Ward)
Tel: +44 (0)1926 495321 Ex 4343.