Antenatal care

Your antenatal care begins from the moment you know you are pregnant. Your first appointment is likely to be with your community midwife who will record your medical history and any previous obstetric history. They will also provide you with useful information to help you to make informed choices throughout your care.

Your midwife will visit your home at least once during your pregnancy. They provide antenatal care at various Children and Family Centres throughout the district. You can discuss with your midwife or consultant the range of birth options available to you, based on you and your baby's needs and circumstances and taking any risk factors into account.

Antenatal Assessment Unit (AAU)

The Antenatal Assessment Unit is based in the Women's Unit, Warwick Hospital. It provides care to pregnant women who require close monitoring, without having to admit them to hospital. This unit is mainly staffed by Midwives and Health Care assistants although a Doctor is available if required. The unit is open daytime Monday to Friday. To contact the unit please call: 01926 495321 ext 4090.

Labour and birth choices

Homebirth with Community Midwives - Homebirth is an option for women who have an uncomplicated pregnancy. Birthing in a comfortable, familiar setting will help you to feel more controlled and relaxed. Having your baby at home will also increase your chances of having less intervention. Partners and siblings will be able to see the baby straight away and the family will remain together after the birth.

Bluebell Birth Centre - The Midwife Led Unit at Warwick Hospital, is the newest birth facility in the area and will enable expectant parents to have their babies in a relaxed environment that offers home-from-home comforts, with the reassurance of having trained clinicians on site if needed. Offering four top of the range birthing rooms, with birthing pools available in all of them. Birth centres are very safe for low risk women; they decrease the chance of having a intervention. Midwives are trained to detect if labour is not progressing normally and if there are any concerns about you or your baby’s wellbeing you will be transferred to the on-site obstetric unit.

Consultant Led Unit on the Labour suite - If you have a more complex pregnancy you will be advised to deliver in a consultant-led obstetric unit where doctors are more immediately available. The Consultant Led Unit at Warwick Hospital offers fantastic facilities, including a top of the range birthing pool.

Postnatal care

From the Labour Suite you and your baby will move to the postnatal, Swan Ward. Your baby will remain in a cot by your bedside.

View the postnatal video.

South Warwickshire University NHS Foundation Trust Maternity Department Contact Details

Warwick Hospital Switchboard 01926 495321


Labour Ward Ext 4552


Antenatal Assessment Unit (AAU) Ext 4090


Antenatal Clinic (ANC) Ext 4709  
Swan Ward (Antenatal & Postnatal Care) Ext 4547


The Bluebell Birth Centre Ext 6973/6976


Community Midwifey Team Ext 6973/6976  
Special Care Baby Unit (SCBU) Ext 4560  
Maternity Assessment Suite (Maternity Triage) Ext 8408