What is the Out of Hospital programme?
The Out of Hospital programme is about making sure we treat as many people as possible outside of a hospital setting. For the first two years this will be focused on the 5% of service users who use the most services and are likely to be our most frail and elderly.
The programme will make sure we provide the best care we can, and in the most cost effective way. This means doing more to ‘join-up’ care available in the community with care available at hospital. It also means working much more with our partners who have a host of valuable skills and who need to be part of our team.
On 1 April 2018 South Warwickshire NHS Foundation Trust became the lead provider for Warwickshire, and Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Partnership Trust lead provider for Coventry. What this means for people is that these organisations will focus on delivering the following outcomes and an element of the contract value will be linked to delivery of them:
- People are encouraged and supported to optimise their health and wellbeing
- People will be treated in a safe, effective and appropriate way to avoid harm
- People will be better supported in their rehabilitation after a period of ill health
- More personalised care will be provided for people approaching the end of their lives to maximise their independence
- People have an excellent experience of care
- Organisations are designed so that individuals within them can work together more easily
Our vision is:
- For people to receive the support they need to maximise their independence, wellbeing, quality of life and potential for recovery after an episode of ill health.
- To empower individuals to stay healthier for longer within their local communities.
- To do all we can to promote prevention of ill-health, particularly doing more to target help for frail and vulnerable people and people with long term conditions such as diabetes or heart trouble.
- To provide rapid response to escalating health needs.
- To provide timely, supported discharge with an emphasis on promoting recovery and re-ablement.
- To operate within clear consistent pathways of care including working with voluntary and community groups.