Welcome to the MOVES programme. All the resources for the online training package and delivery of the MOVES programme can be found in the menus below.

The MOVES training is split into three parts, and all components should be completed before carrying out the programme with children. This is suitable for teachers, teaching assistants and SENCos. (Step 1)

Children referred to Children’s Physiotherapy or Occupational Therapy with concerns regarding their coordination of movement, and fine or gross motor skills will be required to complete both the MOVES and an OT intervention programme. Evidence of completion will be requested from Schools.

About MOVES:

The MOVES programme is an easily delivered intervention and support programme for children who present with coordination, motor and organisational diculties.

The MOVES exercise programme Levels 1-3 are targeted at children in Key Stage 1 & 2.

Level 3 exercises can be used for children in Key stage 3 and above it, however it may be more appropriate for them to do a 6 week block of regular physical activity such as using fitness suite at school, physical activity they enjoy, or use online resources such as ‘PE with Joe Wicks’ / ‘Comsic Kids Yoga’. The checklists, and pre/post scores can still be used as evidence for a referral if there are ongoing concerns.

  • Evidence shows that delayed development of gross motor skills and coordination impacts a child’s education.

Identifying the right children

Complete the pre-MOVES checklist



Start on the MOVES programme.

50 – 75

May benefit from MOVES programme.

> 75

Do not need to start MOVES programme.

If they score over 75, their difficulties are probably mild and should improve through encouragement to participate in P.E, extracurricular clubs and playground activities.

Parent support

  • It is strongly recommended that parents of the children are involved.
  • The school should hold a meeting for all parents of children participating in the programme.
  • Complete the pre-MOVES parent form and give parent pack which contains the exercise programme hand-outs
  • When the programme has finished, parents must return the post-MOVES parent form.

About the MOVES programme (Step 5-7)

The MOVES programme is split into 3 levels in order of difficulty and should be completed for 6 weeks, in small groups.

Evaluating the child's progress: Audit

By the end of the 18-week programme, the child can be re-assessed using the post-Moves checklists. A decision can be made on whether the child requires further input and a referral made to either Physiotherapy or Motor Co-ordination Clinic.

The MOVES training is split into three parts, and all components should be completed before carrying out the programme with children. This is suitable for teachers, teaching assistants and SENCos:

  1. Theory Presentation Video: 45mins
  2. Video Guides for MOVES Levels 1-3: 30mins (Ideally this should be completed with a partner)
  3. Practical Guide to the MOVES Exercises: 10 mins

Click here to access the training videos and presentations.

If there are any questions or concerns regarding the training, please contact us via email: moves.team@swft.nhs.uk.

We would appreciate any feedback on this training package. Certificates of Training Completion will be sent out once feedback forms have been received via email.