The Warwickshire 0-19 Service aims to provide health and well-being support for children, young people, and families in Warwickshire.
For more information on our services click the sections below.
What we do
We work to improve the health and wellbeing of children and families in the crucial first years of life.
To access information about the local service offer and specialist services that can support you and your family go to the Warwickshire Health Visiting website.
You can also access information from your health visiting team through these pages
If you have any questions about your pre-school child or your own health and well being you can use our texting service CHAT health on 07520 615293 anytime. A health visitor will aim to text you back within 2 hours in normal working hours (Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm, excluding Bank Holidays).
Please note we support messaging from UK numbers only, which will be charged at your normal rate.
You can also contact your local HV team whose details are available on the Health For Under 5swebsite. If you are unsure who this may be, there is an interactive map.
If you are a Dad, there is a free app available on android and digital - just search DadPad on your mobile device.
If you would like to provide feedback to your Warwickshire health visiting team, please use the Health Visiting feedback form.
What we do
We offer a voluntary programme for young first time mothers (and their partners). Our specially-trained nurses provide regular home visits, from early pregnancy and can work with you up until your child is aged two. The Family Nurse Partnership uses methods on attachment, relationships and becoming independent. Your family nurse will build a trusting and supportive relationship with you and your family and if you decide to join you will be allocated a Family Nurse who works with you. Together you will decide what to cover in each visit to help you achieve your goals and become the best parent you can be.
Your family nurse will help you:
increase your chances of a healthy pregnancy
improve your child's development
build a positive relationship with your baby and others
plan for the future
make lifestyle choices that gives your child the best possible start in life
achieve your aspirations such as finding a job or returning to education
Please contact us or your midwife if:
You are 19 years old or under and under 28 weeks pregnant
You live in Warwickshire
You would like to have the opportunity to have a family nurse to help you have a healthy pregnancy and be the best mum you can
If you would like to join the Family Nurse Partnership:
If you live in South Warwickshire or Rugby, please contact Family Nurse Supervisor on Tel: 01926 567155 or 07808 763319
We hope to be able to give everyone a place on the programme, however, if the programme is full you will be supported by other services and your midwife will help with this.
Dads or partners are welcome to join in if the mum would like them to.
DADPAD – Developed alongside the NHS, DadPad is a free app available on android and digital, especially created for Dad’s. Just search DadPad on Google Play Store / App Store.
ROSPA car seat website - a properly fitted child car seat will help to prevent your child from being thrown about inside the vehicle, or ejected from it, if there is a crash
We believe in delivering a service which is embedded in kindness and compassion to support you on your journey of breast milk feeding. If you are feeding your baby any human milk and would like support or to access any of our services, please see below. We offer support on a one-to-one basis up until 8 weeks and can see you in our support groups at any age.
Warwickshire Health Visiting are stage 3 Baby Friendly Accreditation. The UNICEF UK Baby Friendly Initiative enables public services to better support families with feeding and developing close and loving relationships so that all babies get the best possible start in life.
How we support you
We work closely with many professionals including Midwifery, Health Visiting, Children’s Centres and GPs. We can also signpost you to many other agencies.
Offer a breast pump loan scheme if you are having feeding challenges.
Offer support groups, where you can attend if you would like to see a member of our team or come along to meet other breastfeeding parents.
Offer antenatal sessions.
Free volunteer training.
Staff trained in tongue function assessment.
Various referral methods and digital resources.
Offer training to Health Professionals across Warwickshire.
After an initial discussion, we offer a package of care tailored to your needs.
We promote relationship building, skin-to-skin, effective milk transfer, baby brain development, responsive feeding, positioning and attachment, emotional attachment, close and loving relationships and more.
Our team is made up of Lactation Consultants, Midwives, Health Visitors, Nurses, Support Workers, and Administrators. We offer a free service to families across Warwickshire, however, please click on the link below for the service offered in your area as this does look different across Warwickshire.
The Early Infant Feeding Support Service seeks to increase the initiation and duration of breastfeeding through effective and validated support systems, whilst challenging the culture of breastfeeding locally and nationally to improve health outcomes and reduce inequalities. Telephone: 01926 626 529
At your first appointment with your Midwife you will be asked to do a simple breath test for carbon monoxide (CO). CO is a toxic gas released from tobacco smoke, exhaust fumes and faulty gas appliances. CO is extremely harmful to you and your baby:
Each time you smoke your baby is deprived of the oxygen s/he needs to grow for about 20 minutes
It deprives your muscles, brain and body tissues of oxygen
It damages your placenta
It restricts the oxygen supply to your baby
It can lead to poor growth, premature birth and still birth
Why should you quit smoking?
The earlier you stop the better. But it’s never too late to quit!
Your baby will feel the benefits straight away
You will reduce the risk of your baby being born underweight and under-developed
You and your baby will be free from CO in less than 24 hours
More money to spend on you and your baby
More time to spend with your family
Reduced stress and anxiety
Better health in the future
We want you to have the best chance of a healthy and happy baby so we refer all smokers to the NHS Stop Smoking in Pregnancy Service for help to quit.
We’re not here to tell you to stop. We’re here to help if you want to quit.
We’re here to give you honest, unbiased support to help you take steps towards a healthy, smoke-free pregnancy. We offer free Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) to all our clients, including patches and gum to help you quit, and are always on hand to answer any questions or concerns you might have.
Our specialist advisors are available to come to your home to chat through the options and work with you, one to one, to help you achieve your goal. We know everyone is different and our advisors have the knowledge and experience to help find the best way forward for you. And it doesn’t end with just one session. We will be there for you with regular appointments throughout your pregnancy to help, encourage and advise.
Normally, you can access our services by being referred by your midwife but if you want to call us FREE on 07917 227004 and tell us you are pregnant and would like to quit smoking we will put you in touch with your local Stop Smoking in Pregnancy Advisor, and a home visit will be arranged.
You are up to 4 times more likely to stop smoking successfully with the NHS Stop Smoking Service by your side, than if you go it alone.